How to answer “tell me about yourself” on an interview  3.. 2…1 queue the awkward sigh and giggle ????  That’s how most interviews start when I ask an applicant to tell me about themselves. What typically follows is a non structured story about where they are from, what they do for fun and what they had for lunch (true story) …. Here is what you should say when you are asked this question in an interview: “I am a seasoned XYZ professional, with 14 years of experience in the industry. Currently I work at XYZ company as an XYZ. I have been in this role for X amount of years. My most notable accomplishment in this role is: XYZ because … XYZ reasons.  Prior to that role I worked at XYZ company as an XYZ. I was in that role for X amount of years, while there I was able to accomplish XYZ and learn XYZ”  Hope this helps next time you are asked this question to avoid the awkwardness ????  BOOKMARK THIS BLOG – you will likely need it later.  OH, and share with your friends who are currently interviewing! 

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash



This is the "wpengine" admin user that our staff uses to gain access to your admin area to provide support and troubleshooting. It can only be accessed by a button in our secure log that auto generates a password and dumps that password after the staff member has logged in. We have taken extreme measures to ensure that our own user is not going to be misused to harm any of our clients sites.